Make sure your text is free of plagiarism. With a professional plagiarism check – precise, concise & fair-priced. Quickly identify & eliminate weak points. For a legally sound thesis. Order a plagiarism check now!
Plagiarism is the nightmare of every scientific writer and student. There are several types of plagiarism, so the likelihood of making an unintentional mistake is large. For instance, you may only have one misquoted quote in the entire text, and this will be considered plagiarism. Anyone familiar with academic writing understands how quickly a little carelessness, inattention, or limited time can lead to serious consequences when it comes to citing sources. Possible consequences include a low grade, loss of title, or even a large fine. This applies equally to all academic disciplines, be it business studies, law, financial science, literary studies & German studies, or political science. The good news: Plagiarism is now checked for by computers that scan texts down to the smallest detail. You can easily and quickly avoid this risk with's plagiarism checker.
Whether it is a term paper, Bachelor's thesis, Master's thesis, Diploma thesis, Magister's thesis, or doctoral thesis/PhD thesis, conducts a thorough plagiarism check by systematically scanning the Web for potentially plagiarized passages using intelligent plagiarism software and manual search. Text passages that are not or not properly cited with the corresponding sources are tracked down and clearly marked. In addition, you will receive a detailed list of all references on the Internet to ensure an exact assignment to the original sources. Thus, our plagiarism check enables you to optimize your text according to the criteria of correct citation without errors. Problems with correct citation? We can also help you with that! Simply take advantage of our professional proofreading and editing service and sit back and relax.
Use our price calculator to estimate the cost of your project. Type your specific requirements, find out approximately how much it will cost and submit your order. We'll handle everything else!
When you place your order ahead of time, you give our highly skilled expert writers more time to work on your text. As a result, you'll benefit from lower prices.
On top of that, provides you with extremely useful video guides for top academic writing tips, including how to research literature the right way, and more. Watch now!
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