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How To Write A CV Like A Pro & Boost Your Job Prospects

5 min.

Do you want your application to stand out? A perfect CV makes it possible. Discover the 5 most important points that make up a perfect CV and finally get the attention you deserve!


In times of massive waves of layoffs and a crowded job market, competition for good jobs is intensifying. In the search for financial security, applicants are faced with the challenge of creating a CV that stands out from the crowd and attracts the attention of recruiters. A poorly written CV can quickly mean the end of the application process. This is exactly where our master plan comes in: We show you how to write a CV that not only looks professional, but also maximizes your job opportunities.


Why A Well-Crafted CV Matters


A CV plays a crucial role in the job application process. It serves as a summary of your professional history, skills, and achievements. Employers use CVs to determine if a candidate is suitable for a position, making it a key factor in the initial screening process.


A Poorly Written CV Does Not Pay Off


A poorly written, unconvincing CV makes a bad impression and significantly reduces your chances of getting the job you want. Typos, inconsistent formatting and irrelevant details make your CV look unprofessional. This can lead to employers questioning your qualifications and commitment during the application process, which reduces your chances of getting a job.

Man waiting for a  job interview.


A Strong CV Gives You A Head-Start


The benefits of a strong CV are numerous. A well-structured and polished CV increases your chances of being shortlisted for interviews. It highlights your qualifications effectively, demonstrating why you are the best fit for the job.


A standout CV helps you rise above other applicants, making a lasting impression on potential employers. Knowing how to write a CV that is compelling involves emphasizing your achievements, using clear and professional formatting, and tailoring your content to the job.


This approach not only showcases your skills and experience but also shows that you have put thought and effort into your application, which can significantly enhance your job and career prospects.

Three people sitting at an office desk.


5 Expert Tips for Creating a Winning CV


Ready to boost your CV and make a strong impression on your potential employer? Here are five pro tips to help you polish your resume.


  • Tip 1: Tailor Your CV To The Job


One of the most common mistakes candidates make is submitting a generic CV. These fail to catch the eye of employers who are looking for specific skills and experiences that match their job openings. To make your CV stand out from others, you need to customize your document for each application.


Start by thoroughly researching the job description and the company. This demonstrates your genuine interest in the role and helps you understand what the employer values. For example, if a job description emphasizes project management skills, make sure to highlight your relevant experience in that area.


Showcase how your background matches the specific role by detailing your relevant skills and achievements. Instead of listing generic responsibilities, focus on accomplishments that directly relate to the job you're applying for. This tailored approach not only makes your CV more relevant but also shows that you have put effort into understanding the company's needs and how you can contribute to their success. By customizing your CV for each job application, you significantly increase your chances of making a strong impression and securing an interview.


  • Tip 2: Use a Clear and Professional Format


Cluttered or unprofessional CVs are hard to read and can be off-putting to potential employers. To write a CV that captures attention for the right reasons, focus on creating a clean and professional layout.


Avoid using general templates that may not reflect your personal brand or might be difficult to customize. Instead, choose a readable font and maintain proper formatting throughout the document. Utilize bullet points to break up large blocks of text and make your CV easier to scan quickly. This approach helps employers find the information they are looking for without sifting through dense paragraphs.


Ensure that the formatting is consistent across the entire CV. Consistency in font sizes, bullet points, and heading styles enhances the document’s overall readability and professionalism. Additionally, if you have reputable references, include them directly in your CV rather than writing "references upon request." This shows that you are prepared and have credible endorsements readily available.


  • Tip 3: Highlight Achievements, Not Just Duties


Listing only job responsibilities can make your CV mundane and fail to convey the value you bring to a potential employer. To truly impress, focus on highlighting your achievements rather than just your duties.


When detailing your work experience, use quantifiable metrics to showcase your success. For example, instead of saying "responsible for sales," you could state "increased sales by 20% within six months." These specific metrics provide concrete evidence of your impact and make your accomplishments more tangible to employers.


Additionally, highlight any awards, recognitions, and significant contributions you've made in your previous roles. This could include anything from "Employee of the Month" awards to leading a successful project that resulted in substantial cost savings for the company. Such achievements demonstrate your ability to excel and add value to an organization.


Use action verbs to start bullet points to make your CV more dynamic and engaging. Words like "spearheaded," "enhanced," "generated," and "implemented" help convey a sense of initiative and accomplishment. This approach not only makes your CV more interesting to read but also clearly communicates your contributions and capabilities.


By highlighting your achievements and showing how much you've accomplished in previous positions, you'll make your CV even more compelling and help potential employers recognize the value you can bring to their company.

cv on a clipboard.
  • Tip 4: Include Relevant Skills and Keywords


By mentioning relevant skills and keywords from the job advertisement, you tailor your CV precisely to what the employer is looking for. Missing out on essential skills and keywords can cause your CV to be overlooked by applicant tracking systems (ATS). To write a CV that passes through these automated filters and catches the attention of hiring managers, it is crucial to incorporate relevant skills and industry-specific keywords.


Start by carefully reviewing the job description to identify key skills and terms that are important for the role. These might include specific technical skills, software proficiencies, or desirable soft skills such as teamwork and communication. Make a list of these keywords and ensure they are naturally integrated into your CV.


Include both hard and soft skills to present a well-rounded profile. Hard skills are specific, teachable abilities such as proficiency in a software program or technical expertise. Soft skills, on the other hand, include interpersonal abilities like leadership, problem-solving, and adaptability. Highlighting a mix of both shows that you are capable of handling the technical aspects of the job as well as thriving in the workplace environment.


Ensure your CV contains complete information, including your date of birth, contact details, and other relevant personal information. This not only makes your application more comprehensive but also demonstrates your attention to detail and thoroughness.


  • Tip 5: Proofread and Edit Thoroughly


Typing, spelling, grammar and punctuation errors can make a negative impression on potential employers, suggesting a lack of attention to detail. Proofreading and editing your document ensures that your CV is polished and professional and that your hard work is not undone by avoidable mistakes.


As a first step, use spell check tools and grammar checking software to catch basic errors. These tools can help identify misspellings, incorrect punctuation, and other common mistakes. However, don’t rely solely on automated tools; they can miss context-specific errors.


Additionally, make sure your CV is not too long; HR managers often don’t have time to read lengthy documents. Aim to keep your CV to a maximum of two pages. As mentioned above, focus on including relevant job experiences that align with the position you’re applying for, and avoid unnecessary explanations about roles that do not fit the job description.


Read your CV aloud to catch any mistakes or awkward phrasing that might not be apparent when reading silently. This practice helps ensure your CV flows smoothly and is easy to understand.


Then, have a friend, or better yet: an experienced professional proofread and edit your CV. The adage "four eyes see better than two" holds true, as another person can provide valuable feedback and catch errors you might have overlooked. They can also offer suggestions for improving clarity and impact.


Here are all the tips and points at a glance:

Tip Key Points
Tailor Your CV to the Job Research the job and company; Highlight relevant skills and experiences
Use a Clear and Professional Format A readable font, bullet points, consistent formatting
Highlight Achievements Use quantifiable metrics; Highlight awards and recognitions; Use bullet points with action verbs.
Include Relevant Skills & Keywords Review job description for key skills; Include both hard and soft skills; Naturally integrate keywords; Provide complete contact details.
Proofread & Edit Thoroughly Use spell check tools; Read aloud; Have someone else review your CV; Keep it to 2 pages maximum.


How To Write A CV With A Tailored CV Template


Still feeling insecure? No need to despair. Writing a perfectly tailored CV that is error-free and ATS-compliant is not something you learn overnight.


Here's the quick and easy solution: you can have a customized CV sample written for you – 100% anonymously! Experienced career writers will make sure your CV stands out from the crowd and leaves a lasting impression.


Your benefits:


Save valuable time: A professional CV template shows you what really matters. This saves you time-consuming experimentation.


Professional expertise: Our CV ghostwriters are familiar with all industry-specific requirements and best practices – for a modern CV with a wow effect!


Top quality: Error-free & well-structured – benefit from convincing wording and the right keywords for maximum ATS compatibility.


Man sitting on a staircase with a laptop in his lap.


Get your personal CV template now and kickstart your career!

Kalina Georgieva.

Kalina, a dedicated Content Creator, transformed her love for writing from a personal blog into a thriving career. With a knack for crafting engaging long and short-form content, she brings passion and expertise to every piece. Explore more of Kalina's versatile writing on our website.


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