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How To Write An Introduction For Your Bachelor Thesis

8 min.

How do you write the perfect introduction to a Bachelor's thesis? Learn everything you need to know to set the ideal tone for your thesis. From the main question to describing the structure – we'll help you find the right words.


The introduction lays the foundation for your Bachelor's thesis. It is meant to express the central theme and is usually the first thing your reviewers will read. So don't leave anything to chance! A poorly written, unclear introduction can affect the comprehensibility of the entire thesis and cost you valuable points. To avoid this, we'll show you quickly and clearly how to write an introduction that has an impact. Discover the most important elements of a bachelor thesis introduction, inspiring practical examples and convince from the first to the last line.

Crafting An Engaging Introduction For Your Dissertation 

Understanding how to write an introduction is essential for setting a strong foundation for your bachelor thesis. But first things first. Before we delve into the ingredients of an introduction, let’s take a quick look at what an introduction is all about and its optimal length.


Purpose Of The Introduction 

The introduction serves as a critical opening chapter that lays the foundation for the entire thesis. It is designed to guide the reader through the initial understanding of your study, providing the necessary background and context for your research. It sets up the research problem, allowing readers to understand the issue your thesis addresses. Additionally, it outlines the objectives and aims of your study, highlighting the importance and relevance of your research.


What’s The Ideal Length Of An Introduction? 

The length of the introduction should be proportional to the overall length of your thesis, typically around 10% of the total word count. This ensures that the introduction is comprehensive yet concise. It should provide enough detail to introduce the reader to the research without overwhelming them by delving into too much detail. The idea is to the stage and provide the reader with a roadmap for the rest of the thesis. Given that bachelor's theses typically range in length from 7,500 to 15,000 words, the introduction would generally be between 750 and 1,500 words.

Woman working at a desk.


Discover The Key Elements Of An Introduction For Your Dissertation 

To learn how to write an introduction that meets academic standards, you have to be aware of its key elements, each of which plays a crucial role in framing your study. Here is a concise overview of what an effective introduction is composed of:

1.    Approaching The Topic 

Providing context is essential for helping readers understand the significance of your Bachelor thesis topic, i.e. how it relates to current scientific, social, economic or technological issues. Start by offering a contextual framework that sets up the background information leading to your research problem. For instance, if your dissertation examines renewable energy solutions, you can begin with providing some historical context of energy consumption and the evolution of sustainable technologies, then state the relevance of the study.


"In recent years, the use of renewable energies has increased worldwide. Solar energy in particular has emerged as one of the most promising technologies. Cities play a crucial role in implementing sustainable energy practices as they account for a large share of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.


Therefore, researching the efficiency of solar panels in urban environments is of great importance to develop sustainable urban energy solutions. This thesis investigates the efficiency of solar panels in urban environments."

To create a strong opening that engages readers and pique their interest, you might alternatively consider to start with a surprising fact, a quote, or a provocative question directly related to your topic. For example, you could begin with,

"Who knew that cities account for 70% of global carbon emissions?"

Ensure that this opening is relevant and sets a clear direction for your thesis. Tie your opening sentence directly to your research problem, such as,

"This fact underscores the urgent need for effective renewable energy solutions in urban areas."


2.    Problem Definition 

Defining the research problem is fundamental for setting the focus and preparing the reader for the central topic. Formulate a clear and precise problem that highlights the core issue your thesis addresses and directly leads to the objective and research question of your thesis. For instance,

“Despite the many benefits of solar energy, there are specific challenges when installing solar panels in urban areas. One of the biggest challenges is the reduction in efficiency due to shading and pollution.“


3.    Research Objectives & Research Questions 


The purpose of this part of the introduction is to clearly define the framework and direction of the research. These components are crucial to guide both the reader and yourself through the research process.


You should describe the main and secondary objectives of your thesis in a clear, precise and specific manner, giving the reader a clear impression of what you want to achieve with your research. For instance:


“The main objective of this thesis is to evaluate the efficiency of solar modules in urban environments. In particular, it will investigate how shading from buildings and pollution from dust affect the performance of the modules. A further objective is to identify measures that can optimize efficiency under these conditions.“


Research questions serve to clarify the direction and focus of the investigation. They should be derived directly from the objective and have a clear reference to the research goal. The idea is to specify the main objective by breaking it down into concrete, investigable sub-questions. Formulate the questions in such a way that they can be answered by your research. They should be specific, not too broad, abstract or imprecise.

“This thesis therefore investigates two central research questions: First, how do shading by urban structures and pollution by environmental factors influence the efficiency of solar modules? Secondly, what measures can be taken to minimize these negative influences and thus increase the performance of solar modules in urban environments?“

4.    Defining The Scope & Limitations 

Clearly defining the scope of your study is setting boundaries and expectations. Specify what your research will cover and acknowledge any limitations or constraints that may affect the study, such as time constraints, limited access to resources, or specific geographic boundaries. Indicate which topics or questions are deliberately not covered and why. This serves to clearly communicate the limitations of the work and avoid misunderstandings.

For example:

“The scope of this work includes the investigation of solar module efficiency on selected buildings in a specific urban region. The focus is on the effects of shading from surrounding buildings and pollution from urban environmental conditions.


Limitations include time-limited data collection over a six-month period and the use of specific measurement techniques to measure solar panel performance.


No detailed comparisons are made between different solar technologies as the work focuses on one specific solar module technology. Long-term maintenance strategies and their effects on the efficiency of the solar modules are also not discussed, as this would go beyond the scope of this study. Furthermore, the study is limited to an urban region and does not consider rural or industrial areas.“


5.    Method Description 

To explain how you intend to answer your research questions and achieve your research goal, you have to describe the methods you use in the next step. You should link them directly to the research questions or objectives and show how each method contributes to answering the questions. Your description It should be short, concise and logically structured in order to set the framework for the more detailed discussion of methods in later chapters.

“To answer these research question, a quantitative methodology is used. First, data on the performance of solar modules is collected at several building locations in the city. These measurements will include testing energy production under different shading and soiling conditions.


In addition, questionnaires are distributed to building managers and residents to record their experiences with cleaning and maintaining the solar modules. The data collected will then be statistically analyzed to identify the main factors influencing the efficiency of the solar panels and to develop possible improvement strategies.“


6.    Description Of The Thesis Structure 

The description of the structure of your bachelor thesis in the introduction is important to give the reader a clear overview of how the thesis is structured and which main chapters or sections are included.


Describe how the chapters are linked to each other and what purpose they serve within the overall structure of the thesis. Show how the sequence of chapters contributes to answering the research questions or addressing the topic.


"The thesis is structured as follows: Chapter 2 provides the theoretical background on solar energy and environmental factors in order to provide an understanding of the complexity of influences on solar module performance.

To ensure the validity and comparability of the data collected, Chapter 3 describes the methodology used to collect and analyze the data.


Chapter 4 then presents and discusses the results of the empirical study so as to evaluate the effects of shading and soiling on solar energy production.


Based on the results of the previous chapters, chapter 5 summarizes the conclusions and gives an outlook on possible practical applications and further research areas."


To sum up, we have put all the elements together in a table:

Element Description
Approaching The Topic Contextualization, significance of the topic
Problem Definition Setting the focus of the topic
Research Objectives & Questions Defining the framework and direction of the research
Scope & Limitations Defining what is covered and what is outside the scope
Method Description Describing the method(s) used
Thesis Structure Outlining main chapters


Learn How To Write An Introduction From Expert Writers

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